Why Dairy Maid

We pride ourselves in only producing milk that comes from local farms and there are many benefits to why you should be concerned about where your milk comes from.

  1. Our milk is locally fresh! A cow in Maryland can be milked on Tuesday and that milk can be on your table by Thursday. Do you know where the milk is from or how long the milk has been traveling to get to other stores?
  2. We have partnered with local farmers. Dairy Farming is a tough career and tends to be a family business passed down over generation to generation. Our dairy farmers are committed to the safety and wellbeing of their cows and work tirelessly to send us fresh wholesome milk.
  3. Support the local economy by only purchasing local dairy, fruits and vegetables. Why send your hard earned dollars out of the state when they can be used here and impact the success of our state’s economy and by supporting local dairy farmers you are maintaining existing green space in your community.
  4. We take pride in keeping the milk on your table fresh and safe. We use the best technology and old school know how to deliver to you great tasting milk! We are constantly monitoring, testing and validating to make sure that we please your family every time!